Thursday, August 19, 2010

I'm Bored

Sometimes the quiet gets to me.

Sometimes the birds and insects make so much noise I think I'll go insane.

About a week ago, Chase's computer charger broke. Days later his iPod stopped working. Sadly, we had procrastinated putting all of the movies and music onto my computer. I realized this as I now had literally NOTHING to listen to or watch.

Don't get me wrong. The quiet is nice for a few days. But day after day? I grew up in the wonderful world of technology and man am I going through withdraws!

So, here are a few things I like to do when I get bored sitting in a canvas tent all day, chasing a (rolling; not yet crawling) little Monster:

Rides with dad.
It's a mixed feeling when Chase isn't working. Usually something has gone wrong with the excavators and while they're getting the part fixed, Chase is around. I love having him around. We go on drives, play games, talk and laugh. But then a secret ugly thought creeps in to my mind and says, "This feels like a vacation. I'm not here for a vacation. It's hard enough being here when I know my husband is working hard and it'll all be worth it. It's even harder when he's not and I wonder if this is really what my ideal vacation would be."

It seems the only remedy for that is to do something fun, like go and visit the little forest around us, go hunting for moose (found them!), looking at the eagles or just visiting with the locals.

It's times like these that my ugly little voice gets silent and I once again feel like maybe it just could be a vacation.

When Chase is working and the quiet is too much, The Boy and I go on our picnic at the lake. There we watch the eagles fly, see all sorts of interesting bugs and eat our lunch with the fish. It's here that I can actually appreciate the piercing quiet and focus on what's most important...this handsome devil.

Even Chauncho gets bored and must be inventing new ways to entertain himself. I call this the "Planter Pup". He sits (sometimes lays) in our empty planter and just watches the time tick away.
My favorite past time though (and don't tell his dad), is to play with the baby's wild, unruly hair.

In just a few weeks this boy's hair has gone from straight with a little baby curl, to full on Gene Wilder 80's perm. It's worse when it's hot outside and the poor little guy is just all sweaty. He wakes up from naps and I can't help but laugh at his crazy, curly, unruly do.

Here are some of my favorite hairstyles on him:
The punk rocker. I originally tried a mohawk, but with all of those curls it turned out a little differently.
This is the Dwight K. Shrute (Did you know Dwight's middle name on the show is Kurt?). It's even better when he's playing in his excercauser and he' s learned how to spin in the seat real fast. For you office fans, you can appreciate the Dwight hairdo as he does the "Spin Move" real fast. All he needs now is wire rimmed glasses and a mustard yellow shirt.

Next is the Skater. Kind of a variation on the rocker. I was trying to do his hair like his favorite Skater Dude cousin Layton but again, his hair has a mind of it's own apparently.

Next, the Zac Effron. You know the style where the boys comb their hair forward? Well, his stays like that for about 2 seconds and then it curls right up again. This style won't be staying long for this poodle headed boy.

1 comment:

  1. Love the hair! I'm sorry you get bored, I think I would too. Quiet is good for a little while, but not all of the time:) So, when do you get back again? I want to come see you if you're still in St. George.
